Out Of The Closet

2:31 PM

Well it's out now. Word's getting around the place that I'm leaving. Some of the women decided to organize a party (despite my express wishes that I didn't want a fuss), and started notifying people. So the gossips have kicked into high gear, and now I'm getting people coming to me asking me about the rumors. Annoying! I had just hoped to leave quietly, no fuss on Friday. Especially since I don't want to have to put up with the bullshit of a party, people who've never liked me making out suddenly that its a tragedy I'm leaving. Who needs to waste time on that!

Good news though, house might sell soon. We've had a few interested parties now, who've come for a look through the house more than once. Should be getting close to an offer now. The only thing I'm worried about, is that Rob will take the first bullshit offer we get. Reality is, we need to walk away from NZ with as much coin as we can get, so I'd rather take or time and get the maximum we can, rather than folding for the relief of having it sold.

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