Alien vs. Predator

3:08 PM

I didn't really go into this with high-hopes. Let's face it, anything with something versus something else as the title isn't going to be gold. So low expectations aside, how is it? Not too bad, but not great - could have been better. The effects are awesome, the actions good, the Alien Queen's never looked better, but there's plot holes you could drive a truck through, and dialog that occasionally makes you cringe. I had hoped the Extended Cut would redeem itself by adding back some R-rated goodness, but sadly it wasn't to be. You get a couple of minutes of the whaling station 100 years before the actual story, and a little bit more alien gore. Sadly the blood is still missing. Plot wise, the temple and alien rite-of-passage rituals weren't a stupid idea, but setting it in the ice was just stupid. The Predator's come for warmth, god knows how they survived in the snow - not a pair of mittens or a bobble-hat in sight! Still if you don't think too hard, it's fun, and nice to look at and listen too. Hopefully the next installment in the AVP franchise will return to it's adult roots, and give us something really frightening again.

Plot Synopsis:

Weyland Corporation uncovers an ancient temple under the ice on Bogatoya Island. Charles Weyland takes an expedition to explore it. They inadvertently awaken the Alien Queen stored in stasis in the temple, and some of their member's incubate aliens. The Predators arrive, and begin clashing with the aliens and the team, who have taken their shoulder cannons from the temple. The last human survivor is forced to team up with the last surviving Predator to defeat the aliens. They fight the Alien Queen on the ice, and the Predator is killed, but the Queen is defeated. The Predator's return home with the body of their fallen comrade. On the way back, an alien/predator hybrid bursts out of the predator's corpse.

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