We Meet Again Dr Jones

10:27 AM

Looks like Rob is going up to Papua New Guinea again. I think she's been itching to go up again for awhile, and although we hadn't planned on it this year, what with the cost of things and a friends wedding coming up later in the year, I guess we're going to have to squeeze it in again.

I personally don’t understand the attraction. It’s like staying with the Stone Age Flintstones up there, but I think she’s attracted by the romantic notions of adventure, and all the displaced family members that have wound up there. It really worries me a lot when she goes there because its very dangerous, and if the guerillas don’t get you, then the maleria-carrying mozzies might. I hope she’ll be safe. She laughs it off, and says “If I die up there at least you’ll know I was helping people.” What about your family that needs you and loves you?

On the positive though, its always a good opportunity for me to put in more bonding time with the children, although juggling home and work gets a bit hairy. I’m going to see if the boss will let me work from home a few days a week. With the realisation that we’re now spending $600 a month on petrol just to run cars to work, something is going to have to be done. I looked at taking the bus to work, but found it would cost me $30 per day, require taking 6 buses, and take 4 hours out of my day. Not really viable.

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