Greatest American Hero S1/E7 : Fireman

9:44 AM

"I tell you, this kid is so hot, he'll burn a hole in the sidewalk."

This is a great episode with some really funny bits. Its nice to see Ralph and Pam finally start to manipulate Bill, especially after all the abuse he's put them through. Some wonderful moments with Ralph being caught by the public again, particularly when he flops onto the front lawn in front of the agents. The bad guy in this episode isn't very strong, but then its never really been about the crime story - it's more the interaction between the characters that the stories are about. But each member of the team does something in this episode, and gets some great moments. Also as a sidenote, Danny Glover is briefly in this episode as one of the cops that pursue Tony at the beginning of the episode.

Episode Synopsis:

Someone in a silver suit armed with a flamethrower is setting fire to boxes in a warehouse. A security guard notices an explosion in the warehouse, and when he goes to investigate is almost run down and killed by a fleeing black car. The guard manages to note down the license plate number.

Later, Tony Vilicana is repossessing a car as part of his new job. While driving the car he's pursued and stopped by two police officers who find the suit and flamethrower in the trunk of the car. When they try to arrest Tony, he makes a run for it in the car. Driving across town with the cops in pursuit, Tony passes Ralph who he was supposed to pick up after a school meeting. Ralph quickly changes out of his street clothes in the bushes, and flies after Tony. Although he crashes down an open manhole in the street, he manages to stop the pursuing cops by popping up out of the road and breaking the axle on their car.

The next day at school, Tony hasn't turned up for class, and none of the students are answering Ralph's questions. Bill turns up looking for Tony because he's apparently also torched a Federal Records building. One of the teachers finds a pair of handcuffs, and Ralph confronts the class about it. They admit that Tony has been there and they helped remove the cuffs, but they couldn't tell Ralph because they think he'd hand him over to Bill. They don't know where he's gone now.

Ralph arrives home after work to find Kevin playing trains with Tony. Ralph gets Pam to come over to provide legal representation for Tony. Ralph explains that Tony was working for Cameron Auto Recovery, and accidentally repossessed a car used by the arsonist. Pam goes to find out what the actual charges are.

Down at the Federal Building, the Feds get jumpy when Pam starts asking questions about Tony's case. Cameron Auto Recovery now claim that they never heard of Tony. As Pam goes to leave, the Feds put a tail on Pam to find out if she'll lead them to Tony. Mr Moody complains to the Feds that he's being harassed and insists that they follow up on the arsonist. All the different government departments get wind of Pam representing Tony and start following her. One of the agents sees Pam talking to Bill and he starts investigating Bill too. Pam phones Ralph and tells her about Cameron Auto Recovery not admitting to employing Tony. Tony says Cameron would deny him working for him because Cameron is running some kind of criminal outfit. Tony says Cameron will have his signature on paperwork.

Ralph goes down to see Cameron about the paperwork. Cameron doesn't want to talk to Ralph, and a thug and him drag Ralph away and throw him out into the street. Ralph holographs in on the auto shop and finds out that Cameron is running a stolen car ring. Ralph gets out the suit, turns invisible and breaks into the auto shop. He finds the records, but turns visible while searching the cabinet. Cameron sets his goons on Ralph. Ralph throws the goons about then calls the cops to report the stolen car ring. Ralph breaks the lock on the front gate to leave, then ties a crowbar through the gate to stop them leaving before the cops arrive.

Meanwhile, Maxwell is being followed by all the agents looking for Tony. They try to imply that Bill had something to do with the arson attacks. Bill goes to Ralph's house followed by a string of agents. Ralph tells Bill that he owes him and asks for help to prove Tony's innocence. Bill refuses, so Ralph and Pam put the screws on Bill until he relents and agrees. Bill goes looking for Tony, but finds he's already fled.

Feds sit outside Ralph's house waiting for Tony. They peek in the window and see Ralph in the supersuit trying to holograph off the hood from the arsonists firesuit. The agents figure Ralph and Pam are up to something kinky and maybe they can use the information to blackmail them to get to Tony. Ralph picks up a hologram of the La Reina Cinema being torched by the arsonist. Ralph goes to leave by the front door and gets spotted by the agents, so he goes back inside and up onto the roof. He tries to fly off the roof, and goes splat on the lawn in front of the agents. He takes off running and launches into the air.

Crashing through the roof of the theatre, he finds a homeless woman asleep in the back of the theatre. He drags her up the stairs and flies her off the roof to the street. The firemen arrive and Ralph hands off the woman to them. They figure he's a kook and send him away. He has another disastrous flight home and winds up colliding with a tree.

The next morning the agents put the screws on Ralph about his 'kink suit'. Ralph threatens to sue the government for harassment. Ralph meets up with Bill at the torched Records building. Bill meets up with Moody who works at the Records building. Moody tells them that they were about to close the Records building, and Ralph finds it strange that it was burned up right before it was due to close down. Back at home, Pam tells Ralph and Bill that the cops are close to capturing Tony. The group put together a scenario: Moody could have been making false government grants to businesses then pocketing the grant and insurance money after torching the buildings. Tony is caught by the police and arrested.

Pam and Ralph go to visit Tony in jail. Tony's pretty much given up. Bill turns up happy because he's found that Moody has been spending up big on expensive items that he shouldn't be able to afford on a civil servant wage. Ralph and Bill go to Moody's house to rattle his cage a bit. Bill confronts Moody about what he's been doing. Moody denies it, but as Bill leaves to report Moody, Moody gets jumpy and comes after Bill in his fire suit riding a motorbike. Ralph follows Moody from the air.

Moody gets in front of Bill and attacks his car with the flamethrower. Bill crashes yet another government car, and Ralph arrives. Ralph blows out the fire then deals to Moody. Bill arrests Moody but gets annoyed that none of the other agents are here so he can show off.

Back at school, Tony is welcomed back by the class. Ralph tells Tony he's heard about another job opening, but Tony isn't interested after all the trouble the last one caused.

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