Back to the Future Part 3

12:37 PM

Probably not my absolute favourite of the installments, but it's still a fun installment. I find the love story tends to slow the pace down a bit, especially after the frenetic pace of the previous part. But the continuity is good tying up loose ends while still retaining links to Hill Valley, the McFly's vs Tannen's etc, and the Wild West setting makes for something different. The effects have improved, although I think the effects throughout the trilogy still hold up pretty well. I think the reliance on practical effects at the time really helped with creating effects that look realistic, hence they still look good and not dated. A fitting end to the trilogy - and hey if it still leaves people wanting more, then they must be doing something right.

The extras disc is a smattering of different material, some of it already available on the individual movie discs, but it's still good to have it for completeness. Some of the material on the extras does look very dated though - especially some of the tv documentaries. The best material is the making-of documentaries.

Overall, the trilogy boxed set is well worth having, and a must have set of movies for any movie fan.

Plot Synopsis:

At the end of the last installment, the Delorean was struck by lightning in 1955 and vanished, leaving Marty stranded in 1955. He receives a letter from Doc Brown, sent in 1885. With the help of 50's Doc, he retrieves the time machine and its restored to working order. They discover that the Doc was killed in the Old West by Buford 'Mad Dog' Tannen, Biff's ancestor.

Marty travels back to 1885 to rescue Doc Brown. The Delorean is damaged by indians upon arrival, and is left stranded without fuel. Marty encounters his ancestors, and eventually locates the Doc, who has set himself up as a blacksmith in the fledgling town. Buford has a disagreement with Doc, who refuses to pay Tannen his money. Marty aggravates things further by referring to Tannen as 'Mad Dog'. Buford vows revenge on Doc Brown.

The Doc and Marty inadvertently save Clara Clayton from falling into the future Clayton's Gorge, and Doc is immediately smitten with her. They embark on a burgeoning romance, while Marty is trying to get the Doc to focus on returning home before he is killed by Tannen. When 'Mad Dog' and his thugs rough up Clara and the Doc at the town dance, Marty intervenes and winds up challenging Buford to a shootout in front of the saloon the next day.

Marty convinces the Doc that he has to leave Clara and return to the future. Doc breaks off the romance, but ends up in the town saloon. When Marty finds him in the morning, he's drunk after raving about the future to the bar-folk. While trying to sober him up, Buford arrives for his duel. Marty tries to escape, but gets called out. Buford guns him down, but Marty survives, having used the door of the potbelly stove as body-armor. He defeats Buford, and leaves him face down in the dung cart.

Marty and the Doc steal a train, and use it to push the Delorean up the track to 88 mph. Clara finds them, and while rescuing her from the exploding train, Doc Brown is left behind. The Delorean returns to the future, where it is destroyed by an oncoming freight train.

Marty finds Hill Valley restored to it's post Part 2 state, and picks up Jennifer at her house. He's challenged to a drag race with Needles from Part 2, but chooses not to respond to 'chicken', and avoids the car wreck that would have cost him his future music career. Later back at the tracks, sifting through the wreckage of the Delorean, the Doc arrives with Clara in a huge steam train-converted time machine. He came to say goodbye - he takes Einstein, and his children Jules and Verne, back to the past.

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