Star Trek: Nemesis
5:54 PM![]() |
Plot Synopsis:
In the Romulan Senate, the Romulan leaders vote to refuse to join forces with Shinzon's Reman fleet to attack the Federation. The Senate is then murdered by a horrific little device that petrifies all the senators.
Meanwhile, Picard is officiating at Riker and Troi's wedding. Later, back aboard the Enterprise-E, the ship is heading to Betazed for a wedding ceremony there when the ship detects a positronic signature coming from the Kolarun system. They move to investigate.
Picard takes the Argo down to Kolarus III, and they search the desert planet, finding parts of another Soong-type android like Data. They encounter the locals, but manage to escape in their shuttle. The crew reassemble the android and discover it is a prototype, less advanced but similar to Data, named B-4.
Picard is contacted by Admiral Janeway who asks him to go to Romulus to facilitate peace negotiations. Picard takes the ship to Romulus. Data attempts to copy his memory patterns to B-4, but it doesn't seem to offer any improvement to B-4.
They arrive at Romulus, and after being kept waiting for 17 hours, meet with the Reman Warbird Scimitar. The away team are surprised to find that Shinzon is a human. He makes some allusions to being the same as Picard and then invites him to dinner tomorrow. He provides them with a blood sample.
Doctor Crusher confirms that Shinzon is a clone of Picard. The Romulans are unhappy with Shinzon, and were expecting him to help them attack the Federation. Shinzon puts them in line, and then asks Commander Donatra to keep an eye on her superior. Shinzon collapses when Donatra leaves, and the Viceroy rushes to his aid.
Back on the Enterprise, B-4 starts behaving oddly, and begins hacking into the Enterprise's computer network. Picard attends dinner with Shinzon, who explains that he was created as a clone of Picard with an intention to replace Picard. He was ultimately abandoned when a new government came to power on Romulus. He was discarded to the dilithium mines of Remus. He again makes overtures of peace, and wants to know Picard's history. Picard tells him it will take time to earn trust.
Back on the Enterprise, the crew have discovered illegal thaelaron radiation coming from the Scimitar, and have also discovered the illegal computer access. Picard suspects that Shinzon is looking for something other than peace.
Shinzon violates Counselor Troi's mind with the help of his Viceroy. He then retrieves B-4 from the Enterprise, and his technicians begin downloading the information B-4 took from the Enterprise's computer. Later, he abducts Jean-Luc from the Enterprise, and cloaks the Scimitar. He tells him he needs a massive transfusion of Picard's blood to stop his degeneration due to the cloning process not being completed. Shinzon says that with the data from the Enterprise, he will now be able to conquer the Federation.
Back aboard the Enterprise, they're searching for the Scimitar. B-4 returns to take Picard to Shinzon, but it turns out that it is Data impersonating B-4. Data has been investigating the Scimitar and has discovered it contains a thaelaron weapon. He tells Picard to return to the Enterprise. Picard tells him they'll go together. They run into Shinzon's guards as they make their escape, but manage to gain access to a fighter bay. They steal a fighter, and fly through the corridors of the Scimitar, escaping through a large window. The Enterprise beams them aboard, and they jump to warp. The Scimitar pursues.
Doctor Crusher confirms that Shinzon doesn't have long to live without a transfusion from Picard. Data tells B-4 that he is deactivating him because he gather information against them. Geordi briefs the command crew on the specifications of the Scimitar's thaelaron weapon. Picard hopes that the Enterprise can reach the fleet first, and together they can stand against Shinzon before he attacks Earth.
The crew prepare for battle. Shinzon is deteriorating visibly now, but plans to intercept the Enterprise when it reaches the Phaezon Rift. Picard realises too late that the Rift disrupts communications, as Shinzon attacks, attempting to disable the ship. He damages their warp drive, forcing them back to impulse speeds, then continues bombarding the ship while cloaked. Picard attempts to return fire, but is firing blind. When they do hit, they do minimal damage to the Scimitar.
Shinzon contacts Picard and tells him his terms for surrender. Picard attempts to appeal to his better nature. It fails. Shinzon simply wants vengeance. Commander Donatra arrives with some Warbirds and offers assistance to Picard. They combine forces and attack the Scimitar, but they are quickly defeated. Deanna has an idea; she may be able to sense the Viceroy and find their position. She makes contact, and guides Worf toward their location. He fires and damages the Scimitar. Picard then pounds the Scimitar with all weapons.
Shinzon dispatches a Reman boarding party to the Enterprise. Worf and Riker lead a security team to meet the Reman's on Deck 29. A firefight breaks out in the corridor, and the Viceroy escapes into one of the Jefferies tubes. Riker pursues him into the tube. The Viceroy attacks, and after a struggle, Riker manages to hurl the Viceroy down a deep shaft.
Shinzon attacks blowing the front off the Enterprise's bridge. Picard's last ditch plan to disable Shinzon involves ramming the shattered Enterprise into the Scimitar. Shinzon watches in disbelief as the Enterprise slams into the Scimitar, locking the two vessels together. Shinzon reverses up, pulling this ships apart, but doing horrific damage to both vessels. Picard attempts to activate the self-destruct mechanism, but discovers he cannot due to the extreme damage.
Shinzon decides to deploy the thaelaron weapon and destroy everything left alive aboard the Enterprise, before resuming course for Earth. Picard decides to beam over to the Scimitar to stop Shinzon. The transporters only allow Picard to go, before they malfunction and shutdown. Data follows Picard by jumping across the gap in space, and landing on the Scimitar's hull. Picard confronts Shinzon and they fight, with Shinzon ending up impaled on a piece of mangled Scimitar hull. Data arrives, and attaches the emergency personal transporter prototype that he had to Picard, sending him back to the Enterprise. Data then sacrifices himself to destroy the Scimitar and it's weapon. Picard and the crew watch as the Scimitar is destroyed. Later, Picard holds a service to mourn missing crew, and Data. They tell stories of Data and his attempts to become human.
Back on Earth, the Enterprise is undergoing repair. Riker and Troi are leaving aboard his new command, the USS Titan. Picard is preparing to meet his new first officer, and is counseling a re-activated B-4. B-4 begins to exhibit signs that perhaps Data's memory transfer might have worked after all.