Greatest American Hero S1/E5 : Reseda Rose

9:39 AM

"What?! Everything in this place is marked, Burn Before Reading. They're into some heavy stuff..."

This episode is a little disappointing. Some of the effects in this one don't look as good as they could have, particularly the cheap submarine effects, and the missing song (which I believe was Rocket Man) that has been replaced by a regular piece of orchestral music is a bit of a letdown. However, the show has some good character development, Pam once again losing out to Bill's work, Ralph pulled in multiple directions, and Bill once again disregards everyone else's wishes. The side story with Ralph's ex-wife was interesting though, as she is quite manipulative. As usual, there are some really funny bits - Ralph crashing at the car wash and looking for directions, shaking down the thugs at Technitron, and crashing about in the suburbs.

Episode Synopsis:

A Russian submarine cruises off the California coast. A large man opens a cupboard, sets up a radio, and makes contact with the vessel. Meanwhile at Technitron, Eric Simpson takes secret research documents from a cabinet in his office. He finds an earring in his desk drawer with the files. Eric meets with the radio man, and asks for more time. He thinks there may have been a security breach because of the earring. Radio man asks the Russians for more time - they aren't happy but they agree to extend the deadline. Eric says he'll get some thugs to sort it out.

Rhonda's mum is upset because she's lost one of her favorite earrings. Rhonda gets the blame for it. Rose gives Rhonda some money for food, then rushes out for work. Outside, Rhonda's mum is kidnapped by Simpson and his goons.

Ralph's packing his son's suitcase, because he's going to stay with his mum for awhile. His ex arrives, and a few minutes later the phone rings, and she's convenient called away on an acting assignment. Ralph and Pam's weekend plans are disrupted because Kevin isn't going away now. Ralph is disgusted with her manipulative behaviour. Bill arrives, and further disrupts their plans by dragging Ralph on one of his scenarios - checking out the Bureau's list of bad guys. Pam agrees to take Kevin to Sea World by herself, and Ralph will meet them later. Suddenly , Rhonda screeches up. She's worried because her mother didn't come home last night. Ralph agrees to check into it with Bill.

Bill and Ralph drive around using the suit's holograph powers to spy on suspected bad guys from the Bureau list. Ralph sees some fairly disturbing sights. Ralph isn't very impressed with Bill's list of dodgy Bureau suspects. Ralph makes Bill stop to check on Rhonda's mother. The owner of the bar is angry with Rose because she didn't turn up, and then two goons turned up at the bar and beat him looking for some letter that Rose hid. Bill is dismissive, until he hears about Rose's job at Technitron.

Bill goes to Technitron. Ralph uses the suit to holograph inside the Technitron building. He sees the two goons tearing up the offices looking for the letter. They rush in to stop the bad guys. Ralph has a lot of trouble getting his jeans off in the car again. Eventually, he flies up and smashes through the front of the Technitron building, catching the bad guys. The bad guys refuse to talk about Rose, so Ralph flies one of them up and deposits him on the window ledge of the building. Lenny the thug confesses all to Ralph so he can get back down to the ground. Bill wants Ralph to go after Simpson.

Ralph takes off for Simpson's house, but crashes into a city car wash. After borrowing a road map, he resumes his flight, and winds up crashing into a compost bin near Simpson's house. Meanwhile, Bill races across town to meet up with Ralph. He locates the correct house, and lets himself in, but accidentally disturbs Radio man. Radio man shoots at him but Ralph disables him, and hangs him on a hook in the hallway. While Ralph is finding some clothes, Radio man manages to flick the outside light switch, and when Simpson arrives he sees the light, and leaves again. Ralph puts on a big baggy suit and frees Rose. Bill arrives, sees the light and realises that Simpson has been tipped off.

Rose won't stop talking. Rose says Simpsons real name is Semoninko. Ralph tells Bill about what she found in Simpson's desk - the Top Secret folders. The police arrive to pick up Radio man, and Ralph rushes out the back door.

Ralph arrives home very late, completely missing Sea World. Pam isn't very impressed. Rhonda starts to explain about the spies, when Rose and Bill arrive. Ralph's ex, Alicia arrives, and goes on about her commercial. Alicia gives Ralph a hard time because Kevin hasn't been fed, and Ralph didn't go to Sea World. She complains that no-one is spending time with Kevin, but she's been doing the same!

Bill complains he's stuck on the Simpson case, so they all go back to Radio man's house, so Ralph can use the suit to try to holograph in on the bad guys. Ralph fakes picking up vibes off a hat, just to wind up Bill. Pam finds a playbill from the Bolshoi Ballet, and Bill feels vindicated in the Bureau's bad guy list because they'd been tracking a guy who'd been to the ballet a lot. Bill thinks they might be able to get a lead to the Russians from the Bolshoi guy, so they drive back to the apartment blocks and snoop using the suit's holograph powers. Pam spots the guy leaving the apartments. Bill follows the Bolshoi guy to the beach where he signals the Russian sub. It surfaces, and Russian seamen come ashore to pickup the spies. Simpson is also there with some others. A large group starts to congregate on the beach. Bill sends Ralph down to stop them.

Ralph flies out to the sub, and crashes into the conning tower. He then shakes and knocks around the submarine. The Russian sub retreats. Bill tries to bluff his way through capturing the large group of spies. A shoot-out occurs, and Ralph returns to shore to help Bill capture the spies.

Later, back at the bar where Rose works, the group is celebrating capturing the spies. Bill won't tell the others about what the spies were stealing, but Rose knows all about the laser cannon that Technitron was building. Bill is appalled that Rose knows about all the top secret stuff at Technitron, but happy that the Kremlin's spy ring was foiled.

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