With multiple homages to WWI prisoner/escape movies, as well as little references to later known movies such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones, its very cleverly written. The characters are a delight and it's hard to pick a favorite, each with complete personalities and quirks, and hilarious dialogue. You'll find yourself quoting them! I highly recommend this film, as it's not just for the kids, and anybody should be able to appreciate the wonderful animation in this film.
Plot Synopsis:
Ginger's an unhappy chicken on Tweedy's Chicken Farm who dreams of a better place, and isn't afraid to try to escape. Along with a motley assortment of other chickens, they concoct schemes trying to get free. Unfortunately, they're largely unsuccessful until Rocky the Flying Rooster crashes onto the farm, and Ginger is given her latest plan. Ginger persuades Rocky to teach the other chickens how to fly so they can leave the farm, but Rocky isn't telling the whole truth.
When the horrible and bitter Mrs Tweedy decides to turn all the chickens into pies for more money, the race is on to fly the coop. Luckily after Rocky rescues Ginger from the pie machine, and sabotages the machine, they're bought more time. However, the flying lessons aren't working out so well, and Ginger is perplexed as to why they can't fly.
Finally Rocky's secret is revealed; he is a circus chicken who's fired out of a cannon and can't actually fly under his own power. He abandons the other chickens and leaves them to their fate. Dejected the other chickens give in, but Ginger concocts another plan, they will construct a plane! Fowler the RAF mascot chicken helps with the design, and the others furiously steal whatever they can get from around the farm and start building.
When the pie machine is finally repaired, and the farmer figures out what they're up too, they make their escape. After battling Mrs Tweedy in the air over the farm, they flee to a small island in the middle of a lake where they start a new colony and live happy and free range.