The fact that Ralph gets exposed to the world, and the President just happens to be on hand at the time is ridiculous. He's been buzzing around the place for 3 seasons, and been sighted by plenty of people and yet he's never made it into the news. Yes there was the one time when he made it onto the cover of the paper, but they didn't know it was him. Then he supposedly lets the fame go to his head. Yet we've seen in other episodes when he's either seen his ego go awry, or been faced with the consequences of the suit corrupting individuals such as J. J. Beck, so why he would behave like that when he's seen it, experienced it, and learned from it, doesn't make any sense.
Then the green guys come along and express their unhappiness, but they don't take the suit away, they let him choose a successor? Why wouldn't they just select someone? After all they choose Ralph and Bill in the first place. Then they allow Ralph to select this big-haired bimbo of a replacement who wants to run off and save the whales? Arrrgh! I can see why it didn't make it past a half pilot episode!
While it saddens me that this great show got canned because of Knight Rider, if this was where the show was going to end up, it's probably just as well. I'd rather it continued with the same characters, or at least come up with a plausible reason to reboot. Maybe it would have been better to see the characters aged, and the aliens returning to take them away, and then they select a successor. Just not this hippy kindergarten teacher!
There are a couple of good bits, mostly Robert Culp as usual. His reactions to Ralph passing the suit to a woman are priceless, and the scenes where he's being interrogated by Holly's adopted daughter and great. Unfortunately the rest of the episode is bleurgh!
Plot Synopsis:
Bill Maxwell sits in his office, documenting his adventures with Ralph, and describes the latest shakeup. Ralph is exposed to the world, and after letting his ego run wild because of his new found fame, the greenguys summon Ralph and Pam to a meeting. They command that he select a successor and pass the suit on.
Ralph searches and selects Holly Hathaway, a kindergarten teacher. Bill is not too pleased when he finds out that Ralph has passed the suit to a skirt. Bill undertakes to train Holly, but Holly doesn't want to follow Bill's commands. Holly decides to take the suit to save whales in Alaska. Bill tags along, and they get into a fight at a bar. Holly wins using the suit. And then the episode ends with Bill recounting how Holly might work out okay.