This episode has some good character development with Ralph's class, as well as some hilarious sequences. Bill flunking his polygraph test is inspired: what can he do? tell the truth about the ship and get put in the rubber room or deny it and fail the test for lying? Culp balances Maxwell's cockiness with real vulnerability when he gets caught out. Ralph's subsequent break-in at the Federal Bureau is a fun little sequence, especially when he confronts Carlisle, who later winds up assigned for psychiatric assessment. It would have been interesting if later in the series when Carlisle meets Ralph he would have perhaps remembered him from the break-in.
Episode Synopsis
Sergei Valinkov walks across town to meet his lover, unaware that they are both being watched by concealed parties. Carlisle and some of the other agents are doing the broken-down car routine and watching Sergei. A Russian suicide squad is also watching Sergei. When he meets up with Teresa Chimerosa, both parties make their move. Sergei and Teresa are both happy to be together again, but their happiness is short-lived when Carlisle and attempts to arrest them both. They get into the FBI car and are taken away. The Russians pursue the FBI car and force it off the road. During the ensuing shootout, Sergei and Teresa escape but become separated.
Bill arrives at FBI headquarters and gets cut off by the Russian ambassador, who pulls into Bill's parking space. Carlisle doesn't like Bill, and tries to get him thrown out of the secure floor. Bill does his best to antagonise Carlisle. Bill's had to come in for his annual FBI lie-detector test.
Ralph is teaching the class about caste systems in other countries. The students aren't paying attention and Ralph is getting frustrated. He vents at the class, and refuses to teach them until the explain what's going on with their attitude. They feel the lessons don't apply to them and that they already know it all, and that society has it in for them. Ralph explains that they bought it on themselves with their behaviour, and they need to just deal with it. The students decide they want to leave school.
Bill is failing his lie-detector test. He's caught lying because he can't answer the question about anything unusual happening during the past year truthfully, because of the alien spaceship and the suit. Sherman says Bill will be kicked out of the FBI for failing the test. He gets a second chance, and if he fails that, he'll be discharged. Sherman also suspends Bill.
Ralph tells Pam about his class and wishes he could get them more involved. Bill interrupts dinner with his lie-detector problem. Ralph is incensed about Bill having to take a lie-detector test every 6 months. Pam suggests they could sue the FBI for harassment, but Bill won't have it. He thinks the test is justifiable, but he's bugged that he blew it because of the suit. Bill wants Ralph to bail him out of this mess. Bill wants Ralph to break into the Bureau building, find out what's got Carlisle worked up, then they solve the case, and use that to trade Bill out of the flunked test.
Ralph flies across the city to the FBI building, crashes through the roof, breaks in the door, and is confronted by Agent Carlisle who's working late. Carlisle shoots Ralph, but the bullets just bounce off the suit. Ralph asks for the case file he's working on, and Carlisle gives it too him. Ralph jumps out the window and flies away with it.
Bill is delighted with the case file and that Carlisle is in deep trouble. Bill explains the scenario with Sergei and Teresa, and resolves to find them before Carlisle or the hit squad. Pam and Ralph feel sorry for Sergei and Teresa, but they can't find them with the suit because they don't have anything from the couple that has their vibes on it. Bill says they can't go searching the streets because they don't have any troops. Ralph volunteers the class to help search for the fugitives.
Sergei is searching for Teresa also. Teresa is hiding in a sleazy motel somewhere in the city, wondering where Sergei is.
The next day, Ralph brings the class to help search for the missing Russian couple. Meanwhile, Carlisle's been given a lie-detector test, tells the FBI interrogator all about Ralph and winds up being admitted for psychiatric testing. Ralph's class meet up with Maxwell, and they're not keen on helping him. Bill butts heads with Tony Vilicana as usual. Ralph breaks them up and sets them back on the job. Bill decides to search for Sergei, and tells the class what he wants done. Ralph and Pam assign Bill to manning the phone in the command centre - something Bill isn't thrilled about, but everyone else enjoys. Ralph drops groups of students off every few blocks to look for Sergei. Rhonda and Pam go together - Rhonda asks Pam about her and Ralph's relationship. Ralph goes looking with Tony and discuss friendship. Tony hits upon the idea of looking for Sergei's relatives in the phonebook, and they find a possible relative close by. They go to investigate.
Sergei is arguing with his brother Frederik when Ralph and Tony spot him. The Russian hit squad is also on his trail. Ralph reports into Bill, and Bill rushes to intercept Sergei. Pam and Rhonda also rush to meet them. Sergei meets up with Teresa, as the Russians arrive and shoot out the car tires. They take Teresa from the car and drag her back to there car. Ralph leaves Tony in the van and chases down the Russian's car. Pam takes off after Ralph, and in the alley, Ralph changes out of his clothes in the phone booth. While Ralph struggles to get his pants off over his shoes, the Russians' car gets stuck at the end of the alley and reverses back, so Pam shoves a dumpster out into the alley to slow the car down. Ralph runs up the alley at super speed, but slips on a banana peel, and launches into flight. Crashing onto the car bonnet, Teresa manages to escape once again, but this time the Russians capture Pam to force Ralph to let them escape. This time they have Sergei and Pam.
Back at Bill's command centre, Bill tells Teresa that he will get Sergei back. Teresa offers to trade herself for Sergei, but Bill won't have it. Ralph and the class are worried about Pam. The Russian's make contact with Bill who negotiates the exchange for Pam. Bill agrees to exchange Teresa at the dam.
Bill and Ralph go to the dam to make the exchange. Bill is starting to like Tony a little bit, although he won't really admit it. The Russian's arrive for the switch, and Ralph uses the suit's holograph power to check for a double-cross - sure enough they have another armed guy in the trunk of the car. Bill sends Teresa across the dam, and Ralph slips out of his civilian clothes in the car. As they begin to exchange hostages, Ralph runs across the dam at super speed and catches the Russian team by surprise. Ralph frees Sergei, and Teresa gets away, but Pam is dragged into another double-cross by the Russians - a surprise helicopter! They fly away with Pam held hostage again. Ralph flies up to the helicopter, grabs Pam, and returns her to the ground. They all make their escape.
Bill holds a little victory party in his rented hotel room, and manages to trade Sergei and Teresa for the flunked lie detector test, as well as never having to take another test again. Ralph stops Tony from stealing liquor from the party. Tony has fitted one chrome spinner hubcap to Bill's car for a joke. The kids have decided to give school another go with Mr. H.